
Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson’s bipartisan PSA promotes vote by mail in Utah and Oregon

October 19, 2022

Utah Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson and Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan released a joint
statement today to remind voters that both states have decades of experience with vote by
mail, a safe and secure method of voting that boasts bipartisan support.

Lt. Gov. Henderson, a Republican, is Utah’s chief elections officer and Secretary Fagan, a
Democrat, is Oregon’s chief elections officer. When it comes to vote by mail, Lt. Gov.
Henderson and Secretary Fagan are on the same team, supporting free and fair elections for
eligible voters. Neither state has seen widespread voter fraud in any election.

Watch the joint statement here.

“I want my Republican and Democratic friends in Utah and Oregon to know their vote is their
voice,” Lt. Gov. Henderson said. “In the Beehive State, polling shows the vast majority of Utahns
– Republicans and Democrats – trust that our vote-by-mail elections will be fair and accurate.
Election officials in Utah and Oregon are good people, and they want every voter to know how
hard they work to ensure our elections are transparent, accurate, and secure. I’m grateful for
Secretary Fagan and her efforts to reach all eligible voters, no matter their politics.”

“Giving voters accurate information about vote by mail is a top priority for my administration,”
Secretary Fagan said. “Surveys show the majority of Republicans in Oregon don’t trust vote by
mail and members of their own party are more effective messengers than I am. I’m thankful to
my Republican colleague Lt. Gov. Henderson for lending her voice to this message.”