
Gov. Cox and Lt. Gov. Henderson release One Utah Roadmap update

October 20, 2021

SALT LAKE CITY (Oct. 20, 2021) – With the completion of some of the goals outlined in the One Utah Roadmap, the Cox-Henderson administration has refined and reset priorities for the next 250 days and beyond.

Version 2 of the One Utah Roadmap hones in on the administration’s top priorities that will be managed by the Governor’s Office. These six key areas continue to revolve around economic opportunity, education, rural, health, equity and opportunity, and streamlined government. The Roadmap also includes an addendum with Version 1 goals that have either been accomplished or will now be spearheaded by state agencies. 

“It’s great to see so much progress in such a short time, but our work is far from finished,” Gov. Cox said. “Roadmap Version 2 will keep us moving forward in ways that are both ambitious and accountable. As leaders, we’ll continue to think big and innovate for the benefit of all Utahns.”  

Roadmap Version 2 priorities include:

  • Economic advancement: We’ll refocus state investment on vocational and technical training, restructure state business incentives to line up with strategic economic objectives, and advocate for both the public sector and private sector to pursue clean energy development and low-emission vehicle fleets.
  • Education: We’ll push to address funding disparities between school districts and continue to work toward clarifying roles in education governance.
  • Rural issues: We’ll continue to develop a long-term comprehensive plan for water conservation, storage and optimization. We’ll also improve internal Utah food supply chains. 
  • Health security: We’ll work on ways to improve transparency of health care costs.
  • Equity and opportunity: We’ll continue to broaden access to Utah boards and commissions for historically underrepresented groups including women, people of color and LGBTQ individuals. We’ll also lead by example when it comes to gender pay equity, family-friendly and inclusive policies, and cultural change.
  • State government efficiency: We’ll find ways to make government more responsive, accessible and accountable through an improved customer experience online as well as performance management tools.

Gov. Cox and Lt. Gov. Henderson shared the new Version 2 document with cabinet and legislative leaders today. The updated One Utah Roadmap can be found here.